Namaste, iam Christine Schneider, Don’t work too hard.

Do Settlements Cut Off Longest Road? [Solved]

The settlement blocks your road if it appears at the end of your road, that is if one of your roads comes off it. If it is in the middle of your road, so that there are two of your roads coming off it, you can keep building at both ends, but the settlement splits the road in two when counting for longest road.14 Feb 2007

How to Play an Effective Longest Road Strategy - Game Analysis

In the current heavy Ore Wheat Sheep meta, I go over how to effectively play the alterative win condition being the

Strategy of Catan - Big Road Cut-Off (Ep.04)

In this Catan Strategy episode, I present a full game

Largest Army or Longest Road and How to Choose - Catan EP 33

In this video we look at the age old question -