Hola, iam Aaron Moore, I hope your day is great!
Do Spouses Commit The Most Elder Abuse Later In Life? [Solved]
Spouses or other relatives commit most abuse of persons in later life (according to the Administration on Aging’s report). Findings showed that approximately 90% of abusers were related to the victim and Adult Protective Services (APS) data suggests that adult children are the largest category of abusers.
Video shows alleged abuse of Alzheimer’s resident at assisted-living facility
June Campbell recorded another aide hitting and slapping an Alzheimer’s resident. State regulators cited the facility for not …
Jordan Peterson ~ What Happens After You Find Out Your Partner Is Cheating?
Jordan Peterson ~ What Happens
George Wagner: Day 15 Pike County Massacre
Today was testimony from April Manley, Cody Manley, Kendra Rhoden, Corey Holdren, and Chelsea (Frankie’s ex & mom to his …