Sup, iam Eric Pater, Hope you’re having a great week!

Do You Get Banned For Buying Gil Ffxiv? [Solved]

Square Enix is known for banning players using Real Money Trading in FFXIV, but they broke a new record recently with a massive wave of account termination. If you are a Final Fantasy XIV fan, you will be used to the usual Real Money Trading (RMT) bans regularly posted on the Lodestone and the game’s launcher.22 Jun 2021

Is It Wrong to Buy Raid Clears and Gil? | FFXIV Shadowbringers

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Where can I buy FFXIV Gil for cheap, fast, and safe?

Leave us a 30+ seconds testimonial or review video and receive 10% off your next order! Just post it on Youtube or email it and …

Housing Bot Owned. 237 MILLION Gil for Cheating.

Quazii looks at reports of a Redditor siphoning 237 million