Hola, iam Molly Graham, I hope all goes well today.

Does Alcohol Freeze? [Solved]

All alcohol will freeze at a cold enough temperature, but any proof higher than 50 will not freeze in a conventional freezer. This covers the majority of harder spirits you may buy, but beer, wine, and liqueurs will certainly freeze with enough time.

Why Doesn’t Alcohol Freeze? | Does Wine Freeze | Does Vodka Freeze

If you’ve ever put anything liquid in a freezer such as water or soda, after a few hours, it

You Should Never Put Vodka In The Freezer. Here’s Why

We often want to push the fast forward button on chilling our beverages, so we turn to the freezer for help. However, not all …

What Happens If you put Vodka into Liquid Nitrogen?

FAN MAIL: CRAZY RUSSIAN HACKER P.O. Box 49 Waynesville, NC 28786 Subscribe to my 2nd channel …