Howdy, iam Mary Beckel, Promise me you’ll have a good time.
Does Boston Get A Lot Of Snow? [Solved]
The US average is 205 sunny days. Boston gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 130 days per year .Climate Averages.Boston, MassachusettsUnited StatesSnowfall48.1 in.27.8 in.Precipitation130.0 days106.2 daysSunny200 days205 daysAvg. July High82.4°85.8°5 more rows
Winters in Boston MA 2020 - How Cold Does it REALLY Get?!
Have you been thinking about moving to the
How Bad is it REALLY in Boston during Winter? Weather in Boston, MA
How bad is the weather in
US is Freezing! Incredible Snow Storm in Boston, Massachusetts (Jan. 30, 2022)
A powerful winter storm continued dumping