Hi, iam Dominic Serna, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!
Does Disney Go After Etsy Sellers? [Solved]
In most cases, an Etsy seller will get caught for copyright infringement due to another Etsy shop owner or a copyright holder reporting them to Etsy. A big company, such as Disney, will go after small businesses (and has done so) for the unauthorized use of their intellectual property.
Etsy Copyright Infringement. Is Your Shop Breaking the Law?
Is your
Disney CLOSES Etsy shops. Baby Yoda Sales
In November we were introduced to the very cute character of ‘The Child’ or ‘Baby Yoda’ as he was instantly dubbed, but also due …
PLANNER SETUP | Setting Up My Planners for October | Happy Planner | Rachelle’s Plans
planwithme #plannersetup #plannerprep #classichappyplanner #socialmedia #thehappyplanner In this video, I am showing you …