Hello, iam Dennise Krahn, I hope your day is great!
Does Dogmeat Have A Perk? [Solved]
Although Dogmeat doesn’t have a particular perk like the other Companions, he does have some skills that give him a bit of purpose. When you talk to Dogmeat, you can command him to search for enemies, locate items, and even perform a trick.26 Sept 2017
FALLOUT 4: Dogmeat COMPANION Guide! (Everything You Need to Know About Dogmeat)
Hey guys, today I’m sharing my companion guide for
Fallout 4 - Attack Dog Perk - Is It Worth It?
Is the Attack Dog
When Dogmeat dies but you have the puppies perk
So funny thing is I had to download a mod that fixed dogmeats health because due to a glitch with the broken steel dlc