Greetings, iam Miriam Herrera, I hope your day is great!

Does Fallout 4 Have Karma? [Solved]

It was then that I realized/processed the Karma system had been removed from FO4 (unless you count companions). I miss it in the sense of how it allowed a better role play for an evil character.16 Feb 2017

FALLOUT 4: Does Fallout 4 NEED a Karma System? (GOOD vs EVIL in the Commonwealth)

Hey guys, today I’m bringing you a

Fallout 4 NO KARMA System - PROS vs CONS

We’re back with another Pros vs Cons! This time…the removal of

Does Good Or Bad Karma Exist… What is Evil? - Rethinking Fallout

Disclaimer: All gameplay and other media assets are used under Fair