Howdy, iam Harold Brignac, Hope you’re doing well!

Does Fantasy Grounds Run On Mac? [Solved]

Fantasy Grounds Unity has a Native macOS version. However, if your friends are on Classic, Unity cannot connect to Classic. All of the users (GM and Players) need to be on the same version (Unity or Classic).3 May 2021

FGU | Quickstart Guide | Part 1 | 5e | Fantasy Grounds Unity

In this video, Stoehovve presents a more up to date quick start guide for

The Best Virtual Tabletop!? - Dungeon Newbs’ Guide

Virtual Tabletops (VTTs) are becoming a necessity for tabletop RPGers, but which one is the best? Role Customer Character …

FGU | Combat Tracker - Player’s Point of View | 5e | Fantasy Grounds Unity

In this video, Stoehovve explains the combat tracker within