Namaste, iam Judith Legace, I hope your day is great!
Does Luck Do Anything In Fallout Shelter? [Solved]
Luck also affects the chance of rush attempts succeeding. In the wasteland, it increases the chances of finding items when dwellers go out on quests and explore locations in the wasteland. The higher the Luck, the better the items. During quest combat, it increases the speed at which the critical hit meter fills.
Fallout Shelter - Top Exploration Tips and Tricks without spending any money
Top exploration tips and tricks without spending any money or cheating. This video has my favorite 8 tips / tricks for exploring the …
Fallout Shelter SPECIAL Stats Breakdown
S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats explained in very easy to understand video. LEave a comment and like if it helped you at all.
Fallout Shelter: How to get Legendary Babies
Today we look at how to make your own legendary dwellers. This all came up when a subscriber told me you could not pass on …