Hi, iam Elliot Murray, May your day be joyful.

Does Paladin Danse Ever Leave His Power Armor? [Solved]

You can however make or rather force, Paladin Danse out of his Power Armor on PC through the developer console. He has been noted as coming out of his Power Armor as a “Naked Slenderman” or something to that effect BUT after going to sleep he returns to normal and you can have his Armor.22 Apr 2016

get Paladin danse out of his power armour

If you’re on another console…just try making

Fallout 4 - Paladin Danse Indestructible X-01 Power Armor - [Outdated Guide]

G’day guys its TYR and today i am bringing you a Fallout 4 Guide on how to equip

Fallout 4 Guide: Getting Paladin Danse Into New Power Armor

skip spoiler: 1:29 Step 1: progress the main story until you meet a guy named Nick Valentine, or close to there Step 2: