Hi, iam Jay Simon, Have a two coffee day!

Does Penalty Count Reset Ff14? [Solved]

The penalty resets every day, so you going to dinner and missing a single Q won’t matter, so don’t worry.24 May 2020

FFXIV: New Account Penalty & Safety Policy

https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/b2bf98053941a7b07e8d80ee41216f5aef769c60 Support Meoni Here: …

Everything about Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy XIV

Ever heard people mention LB but had no idea what it means? Maybe you’re an experienced player, wondering why your LB isn’t …

Heavensward Relic Weapon Guide (Anima Weapon)

Here’s my detailed guide to the Anima weapon quest chain for the Heavensward relic weapon. Holy Poetics! Twitter: …