Howdy, iam Matthew Williams, Hope you’re having a great day!
Does Power Armor Protect You From Mole Rat Disease? [Solved]
Where you have a 1% infection chance even with full power armor. Original Description: This mod simply prevents you from getting infected with the molerat disease if you are wearing Power Armor or a Hazmat Suit. Only your character needs to be equipped with Power Armor or a Hazmat Suit.30 Dec 2015
How to Escape Secret Vault 81 without getting Mole Rat Disease
Alternate outcome if
Fallout 4 - remove molerat disease in Vault 81 + good quest ending
That’s the only known way to remove the “-10 HP"debuff on console and still get a good ending. If however
“Hole in the Wall” Vault 81 - How to cure both yourself and Austin | Fallout 4 Guide
In this video I will be showing