Namaste, iam Kenneth Declue, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Does Resource Drop Chance Booster Affect? [Solved]

Resource Drop Chance Boosters now affect Mining and Fishing, doubling the chance to get gems (denoted by blue ore veins) and the base number of fish spawns! (Previously only regular Resource Boosters affected the Plains).

Warframe - Resource Drop Chance Booster

Got one of these as a login reward and just thought to myself that i’ve never used it so why not see if its worth it or now, was …

Resource Drop Chance Boosters do NOT affect Steel Essence! (Warframe)

It has been revealed through a datamine that

Warframe: This Should Concern Us - Mod Drop Chance Booster

… Changes For Warframe" –~– Adding A Mod