Sup, iam Brittany Miller, Asalam walekum.

Does Retainer Location Matter Ff14? [Solved]

The city they’re in is where they’ll sell items you put up for sale on the market board. Not a huge difference for you, but for buyers they don’t get charged an extra tax fee if they buy something from a retainer in the same city they’re using the market board at.

Everything You Need To Know About Retainers in FFXIV

HUGE Thanks to my Patreon Sponsors, who make this channel possible (thank you!!!) - Brian W., Wesley K., EduardoPlays, …

Final Fantasy XIV - Retainer Guide For Beginner and/or Alts

00:00 - Intro 02:50 -

FFXIV: Retainers and How to Use and Abuse Them
