Hi, iam Michael Snowden, Hope you’re doing well!
Does Rough Rhyme With Cough? [Solved]
Cough and rough do rhyme. No, actually. The word ‘bologna’ - meaning a type of sausage - is used only or mainly in the USA where it rhymes with ‘pony’.
The Chaos Of English Pronunciation by Gerard Nolst Trenité
Thorough, thought, cough, furlough… Why so many ways of pronouncing OUGH in English?
Why are there so many ways of saying “ough” in English? Watch this video and you’ll understand. ===OUGH SO …
Learning English: “Ough” is tough to figure out
www.iwtle.com There are various ways to pronounce “O-U-G-H” in the English language. This was hilariously demonstrated on …