Sup, iam John Peace, Promise me you’ll have a good time.
Does Strength Affect Damage In Fallout Shelter? [Solved]
I’ll summarize the conclusions here for those that just want to know them. The Vault: Not only does strength not impact damage, none of the SPECIAL do. The only stat that matters here is endurance because of how it affects dweller health.25 May 2018
How To Create Fallout Shelter’s Strongest Dwellers: Vault Log #10
In this episode of Vault Log we’ll be taking a look at how you can create the strongest dwellers in
Fallout Shelter SPECIAL Stats Breakdown
S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats explained in very easy to understand video. LEave a comment and like if it helped you at all.
Fallout Shelter: How to get Legendary Babies
Today we look at how to make your own legendary dwellers. This all came up when a subscriber told me you could not pass on …