Howdy, iam Stephen Dole, Promise me you’ll have a good time.
Does Sweating Increase Heart Rate? [Solved]
On a hot day, your cardiovascular system ramps up its efforts to radiate heat to cool you down. Your heart beats faster and pumps harder, and may circulate two to four times as much blood each minute as it does on a cool day. When temperatures soar, perspiring can put a strain on your cardiovascular system, too.19 Jul 2018
What happens inside your body when you exercise?
We all know exercise is good for us, but what actually happens inside your body when you get active? Watch to find out, and learn …
My Fast Heart Rate Concerns Me, What Can I Do? | This Morning
Dr Zoe and Dr Raj offer medical advice.
Fat Burning “Bro-Science” (SWEAT MORE | BURN MORE!)
Have you ever wondered if