Sup, iam Helen Clay, I hope your day goes well.

Does The Cultist Have A Past Gungeon? [Solved]

The Cultist is one of the Gungeoneers in the game Enter the Gungeon, and is only playable in co-op. The Cultist starts with Dart Gun, Friendship Cookie, and Number 2. The Blacksmith refuses to give the Cultist the Bullet That Can Kill The Past, but it is also unnecessary to access The Cultist’s past.

Enter The Gungeon - The Cultist’s Past

Some character spoilers at the end to show off the

Enter the gungeon what happens when the cultist on single player trys punchout and the past

just a thing i wanted to try and the boss card is glitchy as well Mod the

AbeClancy Plays: Enter The Gungeon - 300 - The Cultist’s Past

There is only a single objective that I