Hi, iam Richard Harrist, Have an awesome day!

Does The Google Stadia Controller Have A Headphone Jack? [Solved]

It’s a small but welcome addition for early Stadia adopters. The controller already has a 3.5mm jack, which is great, but the removal of that same port in tablets and phones (boo) means that a growing number of people now own USB-C buds.2 Oct 2020

Stadia Controller Wired Headphone and Earbud Mic Tests

Testing USB-C earbuds,

Google Stadia Unboxing and Setup!

The new

What Does the Google Stadia Controller also work with?

Worked Nvidia Shield TV (Not shown in video) MacOS mid 2010 MacBook Acer Chromebook R11 n3060 4gb Android 4.4 tablet …