Hi, iam Jane Holmes, I hope your day is great!
Does The Lone Wolf Perk Work With Dogmeat? [Solved]
Yes, Lone Wanderer works because Dogmeat isn’t actually coded as a companion, he’s a separate entity. He was originally designed to be able to be used in conjunction with a human(oid) companion like Nick or Piper.13 May 2017
Fallout 4 - Attack Dog Perk - Is It Worth It?
Is the Attack Dog
FALLOUT 4: Dogmeat COMPANION Guide! (Everything You Need to Know About Dogmeat)
Hey guys, today I’m sharing my companion guide for
Fallout 4 Theory: Who Was Dogmeat’s Previous Owner? (Lore and Theory) #PumaTheories
Hey guys, back with another Theory video and today, I wanted to go ahead and talk about