Greetings, iam Eva Dicarlo, Don’t miss me too much.

Does Your Face Peel After Microchanneling? [Solved]

Mild skin sloughing may occur for a few days after the treatment. Mild acne and milia can occur in rare cases. Don’t pick; they should go away in a few days.

Healing process: The first 4 days after Micro-needling

Let me show you what you may look like for the first 4 days

Microneedling: What you need to know, from a dermatologist| Dr Dray πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰

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Learn How Micro-Channeling Can Transform Your Skin!

I N S T A G R A M ↣ F A C E B O O K ↣ W E B S I T EΒ …