Namaste, iam Maggie Davis, I hope all goes well today.

Has Anyone Cleared Dragonsong Ultimate? [Solved]

Raid group Neverland cleared the FFXIV Dragonsong’s Reprise, or Dragonsong Ultimate, raid. Dragonsong’s Reprise was made available as part of FFXIV Patch 6.11, which released on April 26, 2022.2 May 2022

Team Krile defeats Dragonsong’s Reprise (Ultimate)! [World 5th][Twitch First]

#FFXIV #Arthars #highlights.

Streamers react to WORLD FIRST clear of FFXIV Dragonsong’s Reprise Ultimate Day 7

It’s Day 7 and we have the first

FFXIV - Dragonsong’s Reprise (Ultimate) - MultiPoV

Kirrana’s Tivoli